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Sunday, March 28, 2010

Ups and downs

I recently applied to grad school for Creative Writing. While I have not received entirely negative feedback, I have not gotten in to many of the schools that I was interested in. boo. So, do I allow the board of 'professionals' to tell me that I can't? I will not.

If only life came with a permanent pro/con list, it would make things a lot easier, but it doesn't.

So, I have decided to dedicate this post to those things that inspire me to create, be creative, and see all that is beautiful in life.

1. My dog: Monkey - She is the single happiest creature I have ever had the pleasure of encountering. I think life would be a lot better if we all lived more like a dog.
2. Seattle - through the rain and, well, more rain, you are a beautiful city with beautiful people that never cease to amaze me. I love this city, down to every last raindrop

3. Art/Artists/Authors - all of the people the create and the things they create keep me going and make me realize that it is possible to live the dream and do what you love. Thank you.
4. My friends and family (who I won't name for their happiness) - I am surrounded my a wonderful group of people who make everyday better and who always encourage me to follow my dreams.

Somedays, ya' just need a little inspiration.