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Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Wednesday's Word: Namaste

(This beautiful garden post comes from Shining Sun Garden Works)

As a casual yoga lover, the words used to describe breath, movement and the sense of being in yoga practice have always been of much interest to me. In class, I often feel that the words represent a person or other living thing. They often carry so much character.

On word in particular has really made me wonder about its origin, Namaste.

It is a word (as anyone who has ever been to a yoga class knows) that you, and your instructor, say at the end of every class. When I first heard the word, I expected it meant something like "Thank You," but I have found out that it is so much more. It is a word that we should use in every practice of every day.

Definition: This Hindu salutation says "the divine in me honors the divine in you." The expression is used on meeting or parting and usually is accompanied by the gesture of holding the palms together in front of the bosom. Pronounced NUM-ah-stay, according to Yoga Movement.
Orijen: Sanskrit

It is an acknowledgment of the others "self," and when I began thinking of it that way, it took on a much greater meaning in my life. We can acknowledge, like this, the life in everything, not just other people. Other animals, possessions, land....It seems the list goes on and on.

So this week, I hope to use this word in my day-to-day life, and honor all of the beautiful life around me. You can practice yoga, and namaste, with this free 20-minute video at Yoga Journal's great website.

What you want to want to honor in your life?

Namaste -

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